Wednesday, February 10, 2010


真的太無聊了。既然不能出門, 只好開窗戶, 拍我家窗前肥滋滋的小鳥們。

大雪過後, 天矇矇亮。

湛藍的天空, 美麗新世界。

媽媽在鏟雪, 大猴子決定在旁邊睡覺。



因為下雪, 被困在家裡, 其實不是什麼大不了的事。

可是, 和兩隻猴子一起被困在家裡, 就不是太有趣的事了。一天、兩天、三天、四天¸ 今天已經正式進入第五天。

要是孤家寡人一個, 泡杯茶, 窩在暖暖的沙發上, 看書、上網、睡覺, 想幹嘛就幹嘛。心血來潮, 整置裝備, 扛起相機, 走進皚皚白雪裡, 有種孤獨的浪漫。

這幾天, 和兩隻猴子一起被困在家裡。除了坐月子期間, 我已經想不起來, 上一次和他們一起被綁在室內超過四十八個小時是什麼時候了。第一天, 快快樂樂地把家裡所有的拼圖都拿出來,全部拼過一輪之後, 六隻眼睛面面相覷 - So, what’s the next? 第二天, 把所有曾經組過的樂高全部下架, 房子、飛機、戰鬥機、消防車、拖車、挖土機, 組成一個小世界, 三個人玩起世界大戰的遊戲。兩隻小猴精力旺盛地上天下海¸ 飛機和消防車從廚房、臥室、客廳穿梭不停。不到十分鐘¸ 我就自願陣亡了。第三天, 大雪稍稍停歇, 兩隻小猴一出閘, 一個往東、一個往西, 往東的大猴子滑起雪板, 玩得不亦樂乎¸ 往西的小猴子走兩步就陷在雪地裡, 兩手一舉, 頻頻大叫, I am stuck!!!

接下來, 我也就只能放任他們淪陷在PBS kids 裡了。從來沒有看過芝麻街的我, 昨天無聊到和他們一起看了一整集的芝麻街。好幾次, 我竟然和兩隻猴子不約而同地一起大笑。下面這首歌撥放的時候, 小猴子在一旁伴舞, 我還和大猴子一起唱和呢。那一刻大概是幾天來最歡樂的一刻吧!


Singer: Jason Mraz

All day I've been inside
And I've got the feeling
I'm trapped between the walls
And underneath the ceiling
I feel a bit off track
And now I'm trying to get back

Back in the cool cool air
Where the sun in shining
Nothing's gonna stop me
It's all in the timing
It's finally again my turn
It's time to return

Cause I won't stay inside
No more no more
I cannot wait to go outdoors
hey hey hey (Elmo)

Well open up your door
And be like me
Open up your door
And then breathe free
Look at all the beauty you'll feel
Love love love love

Listen to the music of the wind
And the birdies sing
We're just one big family
And all of nature deserves to be
Loved loved loved loved loved

So I won't stay inside
No more no more

It cannot wait
I'm sure
There's no need to run and hide
Let's go explore
It feels so great
Let's go outdoors

do do do do do do do do
Everyone come on
Come on out here
Where the air is fresh and clear

So I won't stay inside
No more no more

It cannot wait
Let's go outdoors

Well open up your door
And be like me
Open up your door
And then breathe free
Look at all the beauty
And you'll find the earth
And the sky is yours
So please don't
There's no need
There's no need to hide inside
Let's go explore
This'll this'll
It feels so great
Let's go outdoors

Everybody else(at same time):
I won't stay inside
No more no more

It cannot wait
I'm sure
There's no need to run and hide
Let's go explore
It feels so great
Let's go outdoors